Large datasets have enabled over-parameterized neural networks to achieve unprecedented success. However, training such models, with millions or billions of parameters, on large data requires expensive computational resources, which consume substantial energy, leave a massive amount of carbon footprint, and often soon become obsolete and turn into e-waste. While there has been a persistent effort to improve the performance and reliability of machine learning models, their sustainability is often neglected.
To address the sustainability and efficiency of machine learning, one approach involves selecting the most relevant data for training. We address the above problem by proposing rigorous methods to find coresets for training machine learning models, in particular neural networks.
Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) on large-scale image-caption datasets learns representations that can achieve remarkable zero-shot generalization. However, such models require a massive amount of pre-training data. Improving the quality of the pre-training data has been shown to be much more effective in improving CLIP’s performance than increasing its volume. Nevertheless, finding a subset of image-caption pairs that provably generalizes on par with the full data when trained on, has remained an open question. In this work, we propose the first theoretically rigorous data selection method for CLIP. We show that subsets that best preserve the cross-covariance of the images and captions of the full data best preserve CLIP’s generalization performance. Our extensive experiments on ConceptualCaptions3M demonstrates that subsets of size 5%-10% found by ClipCov over 150% and 40% the accuracy of the next best baseline on ImageNet and its shifted versions. Moreover, we show that our subset exhibits average relative performance improvement over the next best baseline of nearly 50% across 14 downstream datasets.
Data Distillation Can Be Like Vodka: Distilling More Times For Better Quality
Dataset distillation aims to minimize the time and memory needed for training deep networks on large datasets, by creating a small set of synthetic images that has a similar generalization performance to that of the full dataset. However, current dataset distillation techniques fall short, showing a notable performance gap compared to training on the original data. In this work, we are the first to argue that the use of only one synthetic subset for distillation may not yield optimal generalization performance. This is because the training dynamics of deep networks drastically changes during training. Therefore, multiple synthetic subsets are required to capture the dynamics of training in different stages. To address this issue, we propose Progressive Dataset Distillation (PDD). PDD synthesizes multiple small sets of synthetic images, each conditioned on the previous sets, and trains the model on the cumulative union of these subsets without requiring additional training time. Our extensive experiments show that PDD can effectively improve the performance of existing dataset distillation methods by up to 4.3%. In addition, our method for the first time enables generating considerably larger synthetic datasets. Our codes are available at
Self-supervised learning (SSL) learns high-quality representations from large pools of unlabeled training data. As datasets grow larger, it becomes crucial to identify the examples that contribute the most to learning such representations. This enables efficient SSL by reducing the volume of data required for learning high-quality representations. Nevertheless, quantifying the value of examples for SSL has remained an open question. In this work, we address this for the first time, by proving that examples that contribute the most to contrastive SSL are those that have the most similar augmentations to other examples, in expectation. We provide rigorous guarantees for the generalization performance of SSL on such subsets. Empirically, we discover, perhaps surprisingly, the subsets that contribute the most to SSL are those that contribute the least to supervised learning. Through extensive experiments, we show that our subsets outperform random subsets by more than 3% on CIFAR100, CIFAR10, and STL10. Interestingly, we also find that we can safely exclude 20% of examples from CIFAR100 and 40% from STL10, without affecting downstream task performance.
To improve the efficiency and sustainability of learning deep models, we propose CREST, the first scalable framework with rigorous theoretical guarantees to identify the most valuable examples for training non-convex models, particularly deep networks. To guarantee convergence to a stationary point of a non-convex function, CREST models the non-convex loss as a series of quadratic functions and extracts a coreset for each quadratic sub-region. In addition, to ensure faster convergence of stochastic gradient methods such as (mini-batch) SGD, CREST iteratively extracts multiple mini-batch coresets from larger random subsets of training data, to ensure nearly-unbiased gradients with small variances. Finally, to further improve scalability and efficiency, CREST identifies and excludes the examples that are learned from the coreset selection pipeline. Our extensive experiments on several deep networks trained on vision and NLP datasets, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, TinyImageNet, and SNLI, confirm that CREST speeds up training deep networks on very large datasets, by 1.7x to 2.5x with minimum loss in the performance. By analyzing the learning difficulty of the subsets selected by CREST, we show that deep models benefit the most by learning from subsets of increasing difficulty levels.
NeSSA: Near-Storage Data Selection for Accelerated Machine Learning Training
Large-scale machine learning (ML) models rely on extremely large datasets to learn their exponentially growing number of parameters. While these models achieve unprecedented success, the increase in training time and hardware resources required is unsustainable. Further, we find that as dataset sizes increase, data movement becomes a significant com- ponent of overall training time. We propose NeSSA, a novel SmartSSD+GPU training architecture to intelligently select important subsets of large datasets near-storage, such that training on the subset mimics training on the full dataset with a very small loss in accuracy. To the best of our knowl- edge, this is the first work to propose such a near-storage data selection model for efficient ML training. We have evalu- ated our method for the CIFAR-10, SVHN, CINIC-10, CIFAR- 100, TinyImageNet, and ImageNet-100 datasets. We also test across ResNet-20, ResNet-18, and ResNet-50 models.
Data augmentation is essential to achieve state-of-the-art performance in many deep learning applications. However, the most effective augmentation techniques become computationally prohibitive for even medium-sized datasets. To address this, we propose a rigorous technique to select subsets of data points that when augmented, closely capture the training dynamics of full data augmentation. We first show that data augmentation, modeled as additive perturbations, improves learning and generalization by relatively enlarging and perturbing the smaller singular values of the network Jacobian, while preserving its prominent directions. This prevents overfitting and enhances learning the harder to learn information. Then, we propose a framework to iteratively extract small subsets of training data that when augmented, closely capture the alignment of the fully augmented Jacobian with labels/residuals. We prove that stochastic gradient descent applied to the augmented subsets found by our approach has similar training dynamics to that of fully augmented data. Our experiments demonstrate that our method achieves 6.3x speedup on CIFAR10 and 2.2x speedup on SVHN, and outperforms the baselines by up to 10% across various subset sizes. Similarly, on TinyImageNet and ImageNet, our method beats the baselines by up to 8%, while achieving up to 3.3x speedup across various subset sizes. Finally, training on and augmenting 50% subsets using our method on a version of CIFAR10 corrupted with label noise even outperforms using the full dataset.
Training machine learning models on massive datasets incurs substantial computational costs. To alleviate such costs, there has been a sustained effort to develop data-efficient training methods that can carefully select subsets of the training examples that generalize on par with the full training data. However, existing methods are limited in providing theoretical guarantees for the quality of the models trained on the extracted subsets, and may perform poorly in practice. We propose AdaCore, a method that leverages the geometry of the data to extract subsets of the training examples for efficient machine learning. The key idea behind our method is to dynamically approximate the curvature of the loss function via an exponentially-averaged estimate of the Hessian to select weighted subsets (coresets) that provide a close approximation of the full gradient preconditioned with the Hessian. We prove rigorous guarantees for the convergence of various first and second-order methods applied to the subsets chosen by AdaCore. Our extensive experiments show that AdaCore extracts coresets with higher quality compared to baselines and speeds up training of convex and non-convex machine learning models, such as logistic regression and neural networks, by over 2.9 x over the full data and 4.5 x over random subsets.
Incremental gradient (IG) methods, such as stochastic gradient descent and its variants are commonly used for large scale optimization in machine learning. Despite the sustained effort to make IG methods more data-efficient, it remains an open question how to select a training data subset that can theoretically and practically perform on par with the full dataset. Here we develop CRAIG, a method to select a weighted subset (or coreset) of training data that closely estimates the full gradient by maximizing a submodular function. We prove that applying IG to this subset is guaranteed to converge to the (near) optimal solution with the same convergence rate as that of IG for convex optimization. As a result, CRAIG achieves a speedup that is inversely proportional to the size of the subset. To our knowledge, this is the first rigorous method for data-efficient training of general machine learning models. Our extensive set of experiments show that CRAIG, while achieving practically the same solution, speeds up various IG methods by up to 6x for logistic regression and 3x for training deep neural networks.